Grasping Vital Points Most Physicists Misinterpret About Reality

Buddy Page
19 min readMay 13, 2024


Since my 2021 article titled “Is our Holographic Universe a Simulation or an Original Construct” I have been involved in numerous discussions, read numerous articles, and watched numerous videos on related topics.

Understanding the “warp and woof” of our reality has been a quest of mine since high school in the early 1970’s. The desire to know has been with me for as long as I can remember, but by then I was actively immersed in reading both science and science fiction.

For decades I paid attention to string theory, holographic universe, David Bohm and much else. I delved into both science and ancient sources to compare key details. By the time I wrote my 2010 book, Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, I had already deduced much of what I wrote about then and in subsequent years. Much of what is in my 2021 article is interspersed throughout my book and with comparisons to key ancient details that encode the same information, along with other details.

Some will think there is too much woo factor in my work, but that is the nature of this universe. Thinking outside the box has also helped me see things others miss. There is a conceptual aspect of reality beyond the math, and visualizing what is described is vital to understanding. One of my skills is the ability to extract simple understandings from difficult topics. A little patience with my style is worth your effort. Here is my latest offering to help clarify pivotal things currently lost in the dizzying complexity of the lofty topics involved.

Following are a list of primary topics covered and then a list excerpts from a series of recent Facebook posts and responses to relevant videos and articles that expound upon these topics.

Plane of Present time
This is a vital concept that must be grasped to understand why there is wave particle duality and how it works. This flows from the observation of membranes in String/M and understanding the role time plays at the base of reality.

Wave Particle Duality
Particles are not the primary reality in this universe and this has been known for years. Why it happens is still not well understood by physicists. I discuss the importance of the plane of present time in the process and that it is not reliant on individual observers. Particles are created when and where waveforms intersect the plane of present time. Also, the clarification of how this works within the 11 dimension structure.

Uncertainty Principle
One of the key observations and mysteries in quantum physics is the topic of uncertainty and randomness. Everyone interested in this topic knows of the Schrödinger’s cat analogy. Most miss that it is only relevant at quantum scales and is meaningless at macro levels of existence. Uncertainty decreases with increased number of particles. To the point though, uncertainty related to particles at the quantum level can be sourced to the fact that waveforms, which are actively changing, create particles when they intersect the plane of present time. Since they are changing before they intersect present time, their state and location is uncertain.

Holographic Universe
The idea of a holographic universe is something I started reading about years ago and it resonated with me. As I continued on my decades long quest to truly understand our existence, other topics coordinated with it to clarify much. No other model explains how our 4D particle-based reality is generated from a base of waveforms.

Holography is also the key to understanding the functionality of multiple realities existing in the same space, but at different wave lenghts or frequency bands. This is likewise the key to dark matter.

The problem of “spatial” dimensions
Besides other problems in interpretation, one of the biggest barriers are the so-called spatial dimensions. Failure at this blocks the ability to understand each dimension’s primary products. Remaining stuck on the erroneous idea that 3D space is the same as the other dimensions seen via string/M results in errors. It is obvious that the hidden seven are different from the vastly larger four of space-time. Both time and space are dimensions, so that only leaves two, not three. The failure to grasp that space is a structural dimension, also blocks understanding 3D space is only relevant within space itself.

11 Dimension Structure
It is vital to grasp the structure and relationships of the 11 dimensions identified through string/m and validated in various other ways. Failure to put this together has resulted in a long list of erroneous assumptions about the number of dimensions in our universe and reality and their functional relationships. The primary failure exists in not seeing time (#8) and space (#9) as dimensions, and consequently not grasping that energy/movement is the primary product of dimension 10 and mass/matter is the primary product of the 11th.

8th dimension and Octonions
Another of the keys to grasping the correct dimensional structure, relationships, and functionality within space-time is the topic of time, which is the 8th dimension, and the first of space-time. This is something I worked out years ago through a lot of reading, thought experimentation, and continuing contemplation. Since there are 7 hidden dimensions at the base of our reality, the first of space-time is dimension 8, which is time. Nothing can exist in our reality without the passage of time and the change it causes. Thereby, there can be no space, without time, and no energy and movement without space, and no mass/matter without energy.

Years later I came across the topic of Octonions and the 8th dimensional math that describes the components of space-time. It is important to grasp that the math that expands into the components of space-time, requires 8 dimensions as its starting point. Another puzzle piece had arrived.

Energy transiting from the 10th to 11th dimensions creates mass
One of the missing pieces of this puzzle is why energy becomes mass, as well as some more insights into how. Most of the math already exists but putting it all together is the hardest part for most immersed in their various disciplines. To get this, one must grasp the positions and primary outcomes of the 4 structural dimensions of space-time. Time (8th), Space (9th), Energy (10th), and Mass (11th).

In recent weeks while ingesting various physics videos and articles, I had another epiphany about the transition from energy to matter as part of wave particle duality. It became obvious that the barrier between those two dimensions converts energy from the 10th into particles in the 11th. I have discussed the plane of present time and waveforms (wave function, holo-movement, etc.) for years. But not the key functionality of an increase in complexity from energy to matter, which is the result of the 10th to 11th dimension transition. Matter has been called slowed and frozen energy, hence discussions about matter as frozen light.

But on closer observation and consideration, it is obvious that matter is concentrated energy that has been reconfigured. Instead of frozen light, a discreet quantity is captured and redirected in a multi-dimensional endless loop that creates a high energy persistent point, aka a singularity. This occurs at the transition from the 10th to 11th dimensions.

So, the underlying waveforms intersect the plane of present time and through the functionality imparted at 8 dimensions, the content of the remaining three are projected or manifested. After time comes space, then energy, then mass.

Particle physics and the Law of Instrument
Last but not least, I was inspired to include this as a mention after watching and reading about plans to use the CERN collider to search for evidence of quantum uncertainty. Since wave-particle duality shows us that the particle is not the primary component of reality, but the underlying waveforms are, I had to say something. I am often amazed how much effort is put into smashing particles to make smaller ones. Waveforms intersecting the plane of present time is the root cause of quantum uncertainty. Smashing more particles won’t solve this.

Following are excerpts from Facebook posts where I discussed these topics.

My suggestion is to read through all the excepts first before taking the time to watch the videos. You’ll get the gist faster and then you will see why I wrote this series of posts on these topics.

April 25th:

Strange New Explanation for Why Quantum World Collapses Into Reality

Came across this discussion on YouTube and was intrigued and so here is my clarification so people can better grasp how this mechanism works.

Contemplate that it is not the observer that creates the object(s) we perceive but it is waveforms intersecting the plane of present time that manifest as objects. It has nothing to do with the individual observer. It is a function of wave particle duality and its intersection with present time.

The observer only perceives present time and thereby only perceives a thin slice of the waveform, as it passes through our narrowly focused perceptions, aka the plane of present time. That thin slice manifests as particles in our time regulated reality and since the wave form changes, so do “particle” states. This is the basis for our particle based reality in this holographic universe.

Now also contemplate that the mechanism that produces our narrow slice of existence, which causes our reality, can also create myriad other realities in the same space. Different frequency bands would then create different “present times” interacting with the same waveforms.

What we call dark matter and energy is evidence pointing to the presence of adjacent realities, in the same space, but outside of our narrow plane of perception. But curiously, gravity crosses realities leaving evidence we can discern, with some effort.

May 5th:

This Model Explains WHY Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle Happens

Here is another interesting discussion and my clarification of the importance of both wave-particle duality and the plane of present time in the creation of our particle-based reality.

Contemplate that particles exist because waveforms intersect the plane of present time (think String/M and membranes…). Since our perceptions are pegged to present time only, we perceive and experience a reality based on particles instead of the underlying waveforms and the information they carry.

Now consider that a waveform implies movement, hence change through time. There is no waveform without time which is the foundation for change. This is the basis for the uncertainty at the quantum level as well. A changing waveform intersecting the functionally stationary plane of present time, will result in a changing particle, hence the uncertainty of its state at the point of intersection.

I’ll also interject a thought here that uncertainty only exists because of a lack of understanding of how it is caused and thereby how to reduce it and improve predictability. Understanding the role of the plane of present time in the creation of particles at the base of our reality is a vital step.

May 6th:

Since I mention the holographic universe often, thought I’d comment on this article that appeared in my feed today.

One of the shortcomings of this article and many others is the lack of understanding regarding 11 dimensions and their primary functions within our reality. The other big problem with people discussing dimensions is the failure to grasp that since both space and time are dimensions, the “spatial dimensions” are only relevant within space and are not the same as the 11 structural dimensions shown through the math of string theory.

There are 11 dimensions. Seven are hidden from our perceptions and are tiny compared to the four dimensions of space-time. They are where the information and rules reside that expand into the vastness we experience as our space-time universe.

In the holographic model, a good analogy for this seven dimension zone would be a data crystal that encodes vast amounts of information accessible at different wavelengths and frequency bands. This feature is also the basis for myriad realities generated in the same space, but at different wavelengths. This is the basis for dark matter and energy, as I have discussed in my posts and articles.

Following the seven dimensions, the 8th is time, the first of space-time, making space the next and 9th. There can be no space without time. So, since both space and time are themselves dimensions that only leaves two, of the four. The next would give us energy and movement (10th) which relies on the existence of both time and space. That leaves mass/matter as the product of the 11th, which relies on the products of the previous three dimensions to exist.

Considering this structure, consider again the recent focus of particle physics to find the Higgs Boson, the expected source of mass. But as I have shown, our reality flows from the fact that waveforms intersecting the plane of present time creates particles, as part of the process of manifesting our vast 4D universe and its many realities.

Putting it all together we can also see that the intersection of the plane of present time and waveforms (wave function, holo-movement, etc.) generates our entire 4D space-time reality, not just the particles. This seems to imply then that passage of energy across the barrier between the 10th and 11th dimensions slows it down and converts it to mass.

Here comes further light…!!!

May 8th #1

How the Higgs Mechanism Give Things Mass

Well, I am continuing this series of discussions about the basis of our reality as a precursor to a future book.

In the attached video is a good discussion of the Higgs Boson, aka the “God Particle.” Consider again the intensive focus of particle physics in recent years on finding proof of the Higgs Boson, the expected source of mass in our universe. Personally, I think the massive efforts at smashing particles to analyze the fragments is somewhat misguided, but the information is useful.

We now know of wave-particle duality at the base of and as the basis for our particle centric reality. Thereby, unless we understand both we can’t actually understand our existence in this universe and in this specific reality, nor the evidence pointing towards the existence of other realities, in this universe.

A big problem though is that seeing the big picture and interpreting it is not easy because various theories and disciplines cause most to get lost in the complexity or fail to understand the import of other findings. That is where conceptualization and thought experimentation come into play. That is one of my strong skills, as is patience. Understanding the “warp and woof” of our reality has been a persistent quest of mine since high school in the 1970’s (5 decades plus…). In recent years I have been refining what I described in my books and various discussions online.

The process that results in the Higgs Boson and the generation of mass can now be seen as one aspect and product from the flow of waveforms, through the plane of present time, which manifests into our particle-centric reality. Understanding also how the dimensions work in this process, we can see that energy crossing the barrier from the 10th to the 11th dimensions slows down and gains mass. So, the “Higgs process” relies on the 11 dimension structure to convert energy from the 10th dimension into mass in the 11th dimension.

The fact that energy slows down to gain mass, and this appears to happen at the barrier between dimensions 10 and 11, might also evidence how the waveforms that become energy and massless particles, then becomes particles with mass. It might also add more insights into how and why energy becomes mass. Consider again the observations that show quantum particles and the composite particles and atoms they comprise appear to spin, or what appears to be so, but may actually be something else.

Now contemplate that energy tends to travel along a straight line unless interrupted or otherwise acted upon in a way that alters its course. Consider again that photons have been shown to have properties of both a waveform and a massless particle, and that feature is common across our universe. Physicists have also shown that light can be slowed and matter is essentially slowed or frozen light or other energy.

Thanks to Einstein, we also know that mass contains large quantities of energy, and we have proved it can be released. Looking at the fact that energy slows as it crosses the dimensional barrier, and all quantum components display angular momentum or characteristics of spin, then it follows that the transition across the 10th to 11th dimensions is causing the energy to accumulate into a finite point, and alters its trajectory into spin or a tight loop, and becomes what would otherwise be called a singularity.

This process of creating a persistent singularity based on captured and redirected energy, also seems to show that energy is not really slowed, but is put into in an “endless loop” condition in a form of multidimensional encapsulation, that we perceive and experience as particles with mass. Further, as in the example of photons as massless particles, it is clear that a certain number of massless particles and their energy, are caught in an inter-dimensional transition that converts the simplicity of massless particles and their waveforms to create a more complex energy dense structure that persists.

This transition process and effects are also closely tied to causing or increasing gravity when it creates particles from concentrated ensnared energy. So, not only are particles created, but this also seems to be how gravity is generated, and possibly other fundamental forces. I’ll have to dig into this a bit more before I continue this train of thought. This will be a topic for a future post.

I’ll end this train of thought for now, with another about dimensions. I often talk about the importance of the fact that we exist in an 11 dimension reality. I rarely mention that there are certainly other dimensions beyond the 11th, and the observation that mass is likely the result of singularities when energy crosses the dimensional barriers, provides insight into what the 12th dimension might be like.

Most people also know that black holes are structures caused by a central singularity. Also, that the gravity of a black hole is exponentially greater than any other class of objects. Since energy going from the 10th to 11th dimension creates singularities we experience as particles, does it infer that the cause of a black hole is mass going from the 11th to the 12th dimension through the formation of even more complex and thereby denser singularities?

If so, wouldn’t this rule out assumptions that black holes and wormholes are the same thing? Seems that a wormhole needs to pass through dimensions with less density and complexity, instead of upward into greater complexity.

Somethings to consider as we proceed…

May 8th #2

Cohl Furey on the Octonions and Particle Physics

OK, one more about the importance of understanding the correct order and function of the 11 dimensions that comprise our reality. As I have discussed and linked to before, the topic of Octonions, provides insights into my assertions that time is the 8th dimension and the first of space-time. Since there are 11 dimensions to our reality, and the first seven are hidden from our perceptions (like dark matter and energy…), thereby the four dimensions of space-time are numbers 8 thru 11.

A blurb from the Quanta Magazine article...

“The suspicion, harbored by many physicists and mathematicians over the decades but rarely actively pursued, is that the peculiar panoply of forces and particles that comprise reality spring logically from the properties of eight-dimensional numbers called “octonions.””

In my related articles and recent posts, I have talked about how time is the 8th dimension and the first of space-time. Further, that the interaction between underlying waveforms and the plane of present time is the source of particles, as well as all the components of our 4D reality, including our time perceptions. Now consider how octonions are eight dimensional numbers that appear to provide the basis for the framing and functionality of space-time.

Waveforms emerge from the data in the first seven dimensions (wave function, holo-movement, etc.) to interact with time and intersect the plane of present time to manifest the subsequent three dimensions and their content; space(9th), energy (10th), and then mass (11th).

The math that governs this process appears to be octonions, which once again, require 8 dimensions, and then describe the structure and content of subsequent dimensions. This simply would not work were the 11 dimensions structured otherwise.

May 9th:

Why Is 1/137 One of the Greatest Unsolved Problems In Physics

This gets us back to the topic of a holographic universe and more math that adds support to the idea. Also, to the idea that as a holographic universe, there are multiple realities, in the same space, but at different frequencies. These frequency bands can also be viewed as the source for alternate planes of present time that also interact with waveforms (wave function, holo-movement, etc.), but at different frequencies, which should produce other mathematical constants than our reality does.

Here’s some food for thought. Assume that our universe is based on holographic principles. In such a system, multiple realities can exist in the same space, but at different wavelengths or frequency bands. Mapping this universe would then lend itself to creating something similar to a radio frequency spectrum chart, where each frequency band equates to a different reality. Also, consider that dark matter does exist, and we see evidence of its existence because gravity works across and between adjacent realities.

Perhaps the fine structure (or Sommerfeld’s) constant, is the “frequency” that designates our reality and separates us and it from others. While we use instruments that are based on this constant, we’ll never detect dark matter or energy, but change it, and it becomes the key to detecting and interacting with other realities where so-called “dark” matter and energy exist. So a question arises from this thought experiment, is gravity affected by Sommerfeld’s constant or only space-time, mass and energy? Inquiring minds would love to know.

May 10th:

Where Are All The Hidden Dimensions?

I am going to revisit the topic of dimensions and their basic functions and could not find any other discussion that understood what I have been describing. This one is at least a good anchor for my discussion. There is much that is already known and supported through elegant math, but there are very few physicists that grasp some simple vital basics.

Before moving on to other topics and articles I placed on the back burner as current events played out, I want to touch on the importance of grasping the relationship between the 11 dimensions that comprise our reality. In my recent posts I have touched upon how the process of waveforms intersecting the plane of present time is the source of our particle based reality and the structure and content of our 4D space-time reality.

Physicists have done a wonderful job of describing the universe via math, from the quantum to the vast cosmos. They have identified the reality of 11 dimensions, and even the fact that 7 of those dimensions are smaller than the vastly larger 4 of space-time. Even so, I keep hearing people fail to simply describe what is going on at the base of our reality where wave-particle duality manifests into space-time. There are also other “planes of present time” in this universe, thereby creating other realities, which also explains dark matter and energy thanks to the features of holography.

Spatial dimensions
One of the biggest problems in grasping the structure of the universe’s dimensions, is the topic of spatial dimensions. It is vital to grasp that time and space are both dimensions, in fact time is the 8th and space is the 9th. The spatial “dimensions” are thereby only relevant within space itself and are not the same as the 11 dimensions identified through String/M.

Dimensions 1 through 7 exist outside of and prior to both time and space, yet interact with them through information exchange that updates stored information as well as what manifests in space-time from that information. They exist prior to the 4 dimensions of space-time, and are not “higher dimensions.” The expectation of extra spatial dimensions is wrong and flows from the failure of grasping their position in the overall structure and associated purpose. Further that time and space are dimensions, so that only leaves two, not three.

Octonion math, 8th dimension, and time.
To understand how dimensions correlate with what is already understood about the quantum world clarifies some important questions. As discussed in earlier posts, articles, and books, time is the 8th dimension, and the first of space-time, following the hidden 7.

I had worked this out with thought experimentation and a lot of reading and deduction years before I came across the topic of octonion math. As I also recently stated, it would not work were the 11 dimensions ordered and structured in any other way. This is a vital key to grasp. Further, that time must exist before space, which must exist before energy/movement, which must exist before mass/matter.

Mass forms when energy crosses from dimension 10 to 11.
It is already understood that energy becomes mass, and the process is reversible. What hasn’t been clear is how the dimensional structure is involved in this process. I know it upsets apple carts, but it must be grasped to be able to create an accurate understanding of the big picture from the quantum level through the macro level(s) we inhabit. Most of the math is already there, but some key interpretations contain pivotal errors. Understanding what I have outlined is the key.

May 11 #1:

First Ever Image of Atoms Turning Into Quantum Waves…Is Kinda Mind-Blowing!

Well, here is another minor edition to my series of discussions.

Because we live in a particle based reality, it is a common mistake to treat the particle as the primary state, instead of its waveform. Particles exist for two reasons. Waveforms intersecting the plane of present time generate the components of our reality, including space, energy, and mass.

Whether or not this happens and when it happens is not up to individual observers. It is a consequence of wave particle duality which is caused by waveforms intersecting the plane of present time (think string/M and branes).

Particles (including photons) are merely a tiny slice of waveforms as they pass through present time. Energy is converted to “particles” (condensed persistent high energy packets, aka singularities) when it crosses the barrier from the 10th to the 11th dimensions.

May 11 #2

CERN Looks for Origins of Quantum Randomness

I added this to the list of recent discussions because it was a topic I want in the resulting article and book. She is discussing the plans at CERN to use a high energy collider to look for evidence of the cause of randomness.

I am sure that you have heard the old adage that if all you have is a hammer, then you’ll treat every problem as a nail. This is the “Law of Instrument.”

From Wikipedia-Law of Instrument:
“The law of the instrument, law of the hammer,[1] Maslow’s hammer, or golden hammer[a] is a cognitive bias that involves an over-reliance on a familiar tool. Abraham Maslow wrote in 1966, “If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail.”[2]

The concept is attributed both to Maslow[3] and to Abraham Kaplan,[4][5] although the hammer and nail line may not be original to either of them. “

As I have discussed in recent days, quantum uncertainty or randomness can be traced to the fact that waveforms intersecting the “plane of present time” cause photons and “particles” to manifest in space-time. This causes what is referred to as wave-particle duality, which has been attributed to the act of observing, but it actually takes place independent of individual observers. The difficulty in discerning the waveforms directly, because our perceptions are struck on present time, and the waveforms are not, has led to the misinterpretation of causation.

The roots of our reality are the waveforms (wave function, holo-movement, etc.) that underlie, define and animate our reality. Energy and mass (particles) come into being because of their intersection with the narrow plane of present time. Through the principles of holography, our 4D reality is generated.

As far as the topic of uncertainty and randomness is concerned, the intersection of waveforms with present time is the simple source. Since waveforms by their very definition involve flow, change, and time, their intersection with the functionally stationary plane of present time causes the state of resulting particles to also change.

Since most physicists have not grasped this yet, as of this writing, and particle physicists are too focused on hitting said nail (particles) with their hammers (colliders), they are ignoring the obvious source of uncertainty and randomness, ergo ever changing waveforms passing through present time. Since the waveforms change, so does the state of resulting particles at the intersection point, as they pass through present time.

That is the simple understanding of the cause and it did not require a massively expensive hammer and nail to deduce. But it will take some humility to grasp.



Buddy Page
Buddy Page

Written by Buddy Page

My name is Lawrence W. Page II, friends and family call me Buddy. My pen name is Seven Star Hand. Website and other links at

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