Hiram Abiff’s Hidden Agenda

Buddy Page
20 min readJun 11, 2024


Further light on the allegory of Hiram Abiff in Freemasonry illuminates how an allegorical Joshua became the literal Jesus.

The following video is titled, Who is Hiram Abiff. The better question is;
Why is Hiram Abiff?

A better question would be; Why is Hiram Abiff?

Discerning an ages old pattern, that now includes the allegorical use of Hiram Abiff in Freemasonry, shines a bright light on the past, including the verifiable origins of the tales about Jesus, and the source of that name. Further, the hidden purpose for Saul’s tale about being “blinded by light” on the road to Damascus, which we now know is actually a reference to Qumran, the source of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

As before, please be patient with my style of explicating the topics explored herein. This is another long article. Your patience will be rewarded.

Another key piece of evidence is that Freemasons have long referred to themselves as “Sons of Light.” That term is also found in the New Testament. When the Dead Sea Scrolls were deciphered, we learned that the Essenes at Qumran used that exact same symbolic title, for themselves. Further, they were adamant about following the plans of Moses, the Egyptian, aka AmenMoses, aka the “Son of Amen” (Amun).

These symbolic titles linking groups and members to certain ideals and philosophies are ages old. They were widely understood correctly until after the advent of Christianity and the Church in Rome’s centuries of efforts to stamp out ancient wisdom. Consider how AmenMoses, aka the Son of Amen, became the literal “Son of God” in Christianity.

The symbolism of light referring to truth and knowledge is likewise ages old. It predates the obvious ancient symbology seen at Gobekli Tepe, the Giza Pyramids, and elsewhere since. The symbolism of stone and stone works is likewise ages old, as we can see dual stone pillars in the center of the circular stone enclosures at Gobekli Tepe.

The symbolism of dual pillars has persisted into our time, along with much other symbolism, use of zodiac symbolism, astronomically aligned structures, and more. Dual arks, two tables of stone, and dual pillars are based on the core feature of ancient wisdom, dualism, seen throughout Egypt and before.

Details seen at Gobekli Tepe are alluded to in Genesis, in the stories of Noah, and then are tied to the stories of Moses, in the Exodus. So it becomes obvious that AmenMoses and other Egyptians were aware of that history, location, and its timing at the end of the Ice Age. The Egyptians called it Zep Tepi, aka the First Times, and talk extensively about the great calamity at the end of the ice age that ended the period of advanced civilization before their time.

The stories of Atlantis also flow from the Egyptian Zep Tepi narratives, and were said to have occurred at the same time. That was also the age of the Lion, aka Leo, and from the Great Spinx at Giza through the canons of the three faiths of Abraham, the lion symbolism has remained, though its purpose was lost to most religious followers, even when known by certain leaders and secretive groups.

Before the advent of Christianity and the Church in Rome, symbolism of ancient wisdom was more widely understood than in the subsequent centuries. The problems with religious misuses of symbolic texts and ideas to manipulate followers is ages old though. One of the details from the Exodus is AmenMoses’ disgust with people worshiping Egyptian symbols (images, idols, Golden Calf, etc.) instead of understanding what they symbolized. He created a canon of texts using symbolic words and stories, instead of images. He then gave the texts he created to religious leaders, as a test of their honesty and veracity over the coming ages. He gave the keys to understanding the embedded symbology and what it encoded to Joshua and those that followed in his footsteps.

We have two millennia of evidence showing how the Roman Church ruthlessly stamped out knowledge that disagreed with the Bible they compiled, and as they interpreted it. Roman religious leaders feared the truth about Hebrew prophets and symbology then, just as now, and have struggled to destroy it, throughout their entire existence. This behavior began before the advent of Christianity and the Church in Rome. The Roman Pontiffs, prior to Christianity, clearly orchestrated it in Israel/Judea.

So, it must be understood that the purpose for the actions and subsequent stories by and about Saul of Tarsus, was to steal texts and ideas and proceed to confound the symbolism of ancient wisdom being used by Essenes, Hebrew prophets and sages, Egyptians, and others. Saul clearly knew the symbolic meaning of light and that those at Qumran called themselves Sons of Light. Yet he and compatriots chose to lie about it by claiming he was blinded by literal light during a literal appearance by Jesus (Joshua…) in a vision.

The Essene disciples knew he was lying, because they knew Joshua was long dead and was only being used by them as an allegory, reserved for initiated disciples. Consider how Freemasons would react to someone claiming to have been blinded by light and followed by a literal vision from Hiram Abiff. Their adverse reactions even made it into the New Testament.

So that takes us back to a fairly straight forward timeline on the use of allegorical characters by secretive philosophical groups charged with protecting ancient wisdom to ensure it survived. This was also a feature of ancient Egyptian symbolic wisdom, and is on full display in what has been called their pantheon of gods, which is in fact a body of symbolized personifications of various ideals, universal principles, etc., presented in allegorical tales and symbolic settings. Some of them are based on real long dead people that did great things, who were then used as allegorical characters.

We see the use of such an allegorical character in modern times, hence Hiram Abiff in Freemasonry. Before them, was the use of John the Baptist by the Knights Templar, set in allegorical tales and settings, available only to initiated disciples. We can tell this by the evidence used against them at trial by the King of France and the Church in Rome. It is beyond obvious that their “Hiram Abiff” was John the Baptist. Tales about them worshiping a head clearly allude to symbolic and allegorical use, not worship.

Head of Saint John the Baptist, by anonymous Spanish painter. (c. 1600–1650) (Public Domain)

Since Rome and the Church have always feared people understanding the truth about ancient wisdom and symbolism, including the use of an allegorical character, they falsely accused them for the misdirection and fear. They also clearly feared the truth about the sources of the texts and details in the New Testament, and the many lies told about them and therein.

As an important insight, dual John’s are still recognized in Freemasonry, as are the Knights Templar. The use of two Johns is curious since it is also an allusion to the wisdom of dualism. One is John of Patmos, and the other John the Baptist. Again, as always, it is symbolism representing hidden knowledge and purposes that require certain insights and contemplation to grasp.

The Knights Templar and related groups and philosophies took up this ancient method of symbolic characters and allegorical texts to pass along key knowledge and wisdom to initiated disciples. They had good reasons for secrecy and extreme precaution since the Church and Kings regularly used violence and terror to suppress knowledge counter to their dictates about religion and the nature of the world. The centuries of Inquisitions and Crusades all had the hidden agenda of both capturing and stamping out the truth, to impose religious dogma through fear and lies. This was proved beyond any shadow of a doubt on that fateful Friday the 13th, in October, 1307.

Before the Knights Templar were the Gnostics, and before them, the Essenes at Qumran. I am lumping them together because those we call Gnostics were in fact the remnants of the Essenes who escaped to Egypt during the revolt against Rome. The evidence extends to how they buried their texts, in the same manner as the Dead Sea Scrolls, to also hide them from Rome and to be available to us in our time.

One of those texts we know as the Gospel of Thomas, where they use “Jesus” (Joshua…) in a clearly allegorical setting, saying things that led the religious authorities in Rome to order the destruction of the Gnostics. Just as they did to the Essenes before them, and many others after them.

One of those unforgivable things was having the allegorical character “Jesus” (Joshua…) clearly and literally say to disciples, aka apostles, that he is not their master, they have been deluded, and they should instead follow the lead of “James” (Jacob…) the Just, aka St. James. He was also known as the Teacher of Righteousness in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Further, as I have shown in recent years, he was the true author of the Apocalypse, later modified and falsely attributed to John of Patmos.

We all know that the name Jesus is a fairly modern invention, thanks to the letter J. Same is seen in the name Joshua, James, Jacob, etc. We also know there were no vowels in ancient Egyptian or later in Hebrew. Further, that the name Christians have translated as Jesus, should truthfully be translated as the current version of that Jewish name, Joshua, as it is in the “Old Testament” in all contexts. Only the New Testament chooses to translate it into the name Jesus.

This is important for various reasons. In the DSS and even the New Testament, the Essenes are adamant about following the instructions of Moses. So much so, that some of them escaped to Egypt during the revolt. Their descendants later buried the Nag Hamadi Codexes near the traditional birthplace of Moses, to hide them from the Church in Rome, and protect them through the future they foresaw.

Thereby, when the Essenes and Gnostics were saying they follow the instructions of Moses, it must be remembered that AmenMoses left his right hand man, Joshua, to carry out his plans. Moses and Joshua created a secretive organization that had the charge of protecting the symbology of ancient wisdom used by the Hebrew prophets, and the knowledge of its existence and importance, even if not well understood.

Moses never trusted religious leaders and secretly planned the eventual demise of these religions, and their replacement by the reconstructed wisdom, long symbolized as “two tables of stone,” expertly hidden away in the “ark,” until far in his future. That organization became vital to what transpired during the pivotal last years of the Second Temple Period. We know them as the Essenes, and they were headquartered at Qumran.

To return to the topic of allegorical characters used in texts and lessons intended for initiated disciples, notice again how central a character Joshua was, especially to those following the instructions of Moses? We also know that Saul of Tarsus interacted with the Essenes and was instrumental in stealing texts and ideas that later fleshed out the stories and characters of the New Testament.

Saul was a Roman agent, helping them plant the seeds of Christianity, which were fertilized in blood and strategic lies and then harvested across the subsequent centuries. We also know that the name Jesus evolved from the same root as Joshua, because the root texts, later modified and interpolated to become the New Testament, were stolen from the Essenes at Qumran, and all the honest evidence supports that conclusion.

Further, another solid link between the Essenes and Freemasonry is the title “Sons of Light,” and each groups focus on understanding the vital importance of ancient symbology. Part of that skill set involves the use of historical Biblical characters in allegorical settings to impart knowledge and wisdom to initiated disciples who have passed various tests of character and trustworthiness. This can be seen from the time of AmenMoses, through the Second Temple Period, until now.

The mention of “Sons of Light” in the New Testament and Dead Sea Scrolls shows us that Saul was in direct contact with Qumran and it was their texts and ideas that were stolen, plagiarized, and twisted to form the foundations of Christianity. Much effort was spent to hide this for centuries, but the Dead Sea Scrolls and other finds have completely exposed ancient lies.

It is also important to understand why and how the Essenes were following the instructions of Moses, passed down through Joshua, to a long line of prophets and sages who followed in their footsteps. That goes back to the stories in Genesis and Exodus and what was encoded in the symbolism. A vital example is the story of Joseph, the 11th Son of Jacob, who had a dream of 11 stars, and the sun and moon, when he was 17 years old.

That story gives us the 11th through 17th 360-year cycles on the Hebrew calendar, symbolized as both stars and years, which is the Second Temple period through right now. That timeline is also redundantly encoded in Revelation and other sources near the end of the Second Temple Period, which was also the start of the age of Pisces. Now consider again the adamant assertions that the Essenes were following the plans of Moses.

Notice there are 11 Dead Sea Scroll caves, deposited by them, during the 11th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar, the time frame encoded by the 11 stars in the story of Joseph, the 11th son of Jacob. Then notice that the timeline in Revelation is encoded by seven stars (hence my pen name…). They are the 11th 360-year cycle (symbolized as the 1st star) through the early years of the 17th (symbolized as the 7th star), based on the timeline originally set forth by Moses, in Genesis.

The Essenes knew they (the saints…) and Israel/Judea would be defeated by Rome, as is clearly predicted in Daniel. So they were purposefully creating a body of evidence to be available at the end of the timeline encoded in the Book of Revelation. The details in the Apocalypse and the timeline set forth by AmenMoses were well known to them, long before it was supposedly authored in Patmos after being delivered by an “angel of Jesus.”

During the 11th 360-year cycle, aka the end of the Second Temple period, Joshua was the “Hiram Abiff” of the Essenes and Gnostics. An allegorical character based on a long dead real person, used as the literary vehicle to impart wisdom to initiated disciples. This is also how certain symbolic characters entered the Egyptian pantheon to be used in numerous wisdom schools that required initiation, just as we see in the east, as well. So, we can see Joshua, the root of the name Jesus, in use by the Essenes and Gnostics.

Then we see that name changed to “Jesus” over time and accompanied by obvious lies told about the symbolism long used by Hebrew prophets, Egyptians, and others. We see the names of all of the Essene disciples changed and then they are presented as apostles worshiping Jesus (Joshua…). This and much other evidence of overt lies and deception exists throughout the New Testament and the painfully obvious Hebrew prophecy, The Book of Revelation, aka The Apocalypse, long falsely attributed to John of Patmos, and supposedly delivered by an angel of Jesus. The misuse of the angel symbolism in that text and much else leaves zero doubt it was stolen and modified and how.

We can now also see the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas and how it differs in style and content from the New Testament. Further, one can dissect the New Testament in various ways to show a foundation of earlier texts and concepts, interspersed with interpolations, deceptive rewrites, etc. For example, notice how the story of Doubting Thomas is perfectly focused to discredit and dispel the Gospel of Thomas, which Rome thought they had erased from history?

All the evidence, including in the New Testament itself, points to Qumran, known to its inhabitants as Damascus, in part to confuse the Romans. The Church in Rome had long falsely concluded they had found, destroyed, or stashed away evidence from Qumran and Gnostics and covered their tracks in the New Testament. But karma is a bitch and vital evidence of various types has been resurfacing all along, and especially in recent decades. Thereby, the trail leads us directly to Saul of Tarsus and his interactions with the saints and disciples of the desert retreat, code named Damascus, now called Qumran.

As I have expounded upon elsewhere and will do so more in the near future, the actions of Saul of Tarsus, towards the Essenes at Qumran, led to a raid by the Romans, and the theft of their extant texts, which were authored on site. That event was the spark and straw that broke the camels back, that launched the revolt against Rome.

The Dead Sea Scrolls were a specialized ritual burial of religious texts, as was and still is Jewish custom. The Essenes provided this service to others, which allowed them to patiently and purposely fill 11 caves of documents during the 11th 360-year cycle, which was also the start of the age of Pisces and the end of the Second Temple period. This number was chosen because as they asserted, they were following the plans of Moses, as passed down through Joshua.

It was also the start of the timeline, from the 11th 360-year cycle to the early years of the 17th, symbolically encoded by Moses in Genesis. The following is a timeline chart from the 1st page in Chapter 8 of my 2010 book, Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols. That timeline is laid out and expertly encoded in the Book of Revelation, using several groups of 7 symbols, but especially stars, angels, and seals. This format has the purpose of imparting the concept of cycle time, and the 360-year cycles from the 11th to the early years of the 17th.

Timeline chart from Chapter 8 in my 2010 book, Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols. The above shows the last six ages, plus the start of the new age, using a corrected and simplified zodiac. As demonstrated throughout previous chapters, the symbology of the four elements, the zodiac, and cyclic time are pivotal to proving the truth and grasping the wisdom that flows from the last six ages. To truly understand the import of what we’ll cover in this chapter, it is first necessary to grasp the details presented in all of the previous chapters. The above chart shows the short (360-year) and long (2160 year ages) cycles encoded within Genesis, Revelation, Ezekiel, and related texts. As encoded by the sphinx and pyramids, it starts at the Age of the Lion

The New Testament and some Apocrypha are clearly based on material stolen from the Essenes by Romans, with the assistance of Saul of Tarsus. Further evidence can be seen in the fact that the Didache is clearly a direct modification of the earlier Community Rule, attested to in the Dead Sea Scrolls. It was clearly among the current texts in use while Saul was interacting with them, and were taken during the raid.

Further, stories about the twelve Apostles are clearly based on the Essene disciples who organized in groups of twelve, which is clearly attested to in the Dead Sea Scrolls. One can then see the pattern of changing all of their names, and deeds, to hide the source of those texts, and to protect lies and the liars that told them.

Over the next 2–3 centuries those texts were rewritten, interpolated, added to and refined with stories designed to hide their sources and confound the meaning and purpose of ancient wisdom symbology used by the Hebrew prophets. Every so-called miracle in the New Testament is obvious symbolism, presented literally and then lied about. It is thereby obvious the original symbolic texts came from Qumran. Their focus on symbology is well known and again evidenced in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the texts that became the New Testament.

What is also painfully obvious is Joshua was the Essene and Gnostic “Hiram Abiff,” hence an allegorical character based on a real person from history, who was not alive during the time frame later claimed in the New Testament. Joshua eventually morphed into Jesus over time, but the roots of that name and its association with the Essenes are still completely obvious.

What is also completely obvious is the key link between the Essenes and the Romans, which was Saul of Tarsus. Rome came on the scene and twisted everything to their ends, which we are still suffering from, thanks to the Vatican, and its hidden control over and manipulation all three faiths of Abraham, money, politics, and much else.

The lies told two millennia ago to steal the topics of prophecy and messianic fervor from the Jews, have been used to create a vast, now global, empire across the past two millennia. The Hebrew prophets promised that mysterious future empire (beast, dragon…) would come to a dramatic end, in the early years of the 17th 360-year on the Hebrew calendar, aka the early years of the 21st century on the Gregorian calendar.

That empire is headquartered in Rome and as promised it survived its earlier downfall by transforming into Christian Rome and now the Vatican. It is that empire that faces the wrath of the world when the truth about them is exposed, by me. We are now near the end of the timeline encoded in Revelation, clearly based on what Moses set forth in Genesis.

Rome went to great lenghts to stamp out this knowledge and much else, including the mass killing and torture of many across the centuries who knew something, counter to their lies. Thereby, it is quite serendipitous for the Nag Hammadi Codexes and the Dead Sea Scrolls, to become available to us now, so we have these vital insights to supplement and validate what can also be gleaned from textual analysis, archeology, and verifiable historical facts. Buried in the same way by related people, in different strategically located sites, and then found after WWII, both collections of ancient texts have shown a bright light on things Christian Rome lied about and desperately strove to hide for many centuries.

Their availability and their contents has helped to fuel the fear and desperation at the Vatican and among its various cohorts that the Hebrew prophecies are in fact coming true, proving Christianity is a Roman deception, among other things. So you can imagine their distress when I took a deep interest in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the symbology in the Hebrew prophecies and book of Revelation just before and after the turn of millennia, the precise time they have long feared and prepared for, across many centuries.

Their fears of people grasping the truth about the symbology of Hebrew prophecies and ancient wisdom is also at the root of their attitudes towards Freemasonry, and others before them and since. They fear people understanding Hebrew symbolism, the use of allegorical characters, ancient wisdom, and any other insights into the truth and truth seekers they have long endeavored to bury. As I have shown through my struggles, with and because of them in recent decades, they have never stopped their overtly evil behavior. They are now desperate because of me and because a growing number of people already see through their ages-old dark game.

I am going to venture my assessment of this situation, after years of work, research, interactions, and hard won experience. One hidden purpose of Freemasonry, and the similar groups that preceded it, in addition to a focus on using symbology, is to eventually open the eyes of Freemasons to this reality and reinforce that clinging to religious lies are darkness, not light.

The other title mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls were the Sons of Darkness, hence those born of and loyal to lies and ignorance. The character described in the DSS as the spouter of lies, is none other than Saul of Tarsus, aka St. Paul. He and his Roman and Jewish compatriots were called the Sons of Darkness.

Thereby, those who created the New Testament from stolen Essene texts and concepts were purveyors of darkness and enemies of light. The purpose of the symbolism of placing the square and compass atop the Bible, especially, is so you’d understand the need to measure the texts of that “sacred volume” by the embedded symbolism and the light it holds.

The final proofs include me and the expectation that I would return to shine a bright light on the darkness of the past, at a very specific time, as verifiably encoded within the symbolic texts of the Hebrew prophets. It is important to grasp that Hiram Abiff is lifted from the Book of 1 Kings, the same place we are introduced to the Prophet Elijah. That association is not coincidental.

This, once again, goes back to what was set in motion by AmenMoses, and passed along to Joshua, and why. These religions have settled on interpretations of the Exodus, and especially the Two Tables of Stone, that put the best light on religion and its leaders. Yet, once you gain a better understanding of the meaning of the symbology of the Hebrew prophets, you learn that AmenMoses never trusted religious leaders. Even so, he also knew that religion could not be overcome until the 17th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar. Thereby, the wisdom represented by the Two Tables of Stone was expertly hidden within the symbology used in texts that would become the basis for future religious canons.

Zechariah 3:9
For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, said the Lord of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.

So, if Moses went to such great lengths to create a body of symbolic texts, and to clearly represent that he expertly hid and protected the wisdom of the two tables of stone, when did the blatantly literal Ten Commandments come into being? They are clearly not by the original author and are also clearly the work of a religious leader, not Moses or Joshua or any prophet. Now again consider the import of the above statement in Zechariah, and the number 7 per stone, hence a total of 14, not 10.

When the “two tables of stone” are broken into many fragments and hidden away with an “ark” it is symbolizing the intended wisdom, that the Exodus says was rejected for religion, was spread among a collection of symbols and hidden from religious leaders and followers. That well hidden light would be carried across time, embedded in religious texts, and upon the deeds of believers, into the far future when historical truth and ancient wisdom could finally be widely appreciated. When the ages old folly of religion is finally understood for the strong delusion it has always been.

One has to reconsider the symbolism of dual arks, the one associated with Noah, and the second associated with Moses, and realize they are related symbolism. The descriptions of animals, two by two, is a statement of dualism. The same is true of the two tables of stone and two pillars, now seen at Gobekli Tepe, and central to the clearly symbolic stories in the Exodus. They each contain insights into the meaning and purpose of the symbology that we can see at Gobekli Tepe, the Giza Plateau, and throughout Egypt, after Zep Tepi.

Then, following Moses’ and Joshua’s lead, a long line of Hebrew prophets, sages, and related esoteric groups sought to both understand and protect the symbology, its sources, and content, until the time set forth in Genesis, by AmenMoses. So when is that time? The early years of the 17th 360-year cycle, which began in purposeful coordination with the 21st century, and the new zodiac age of Aquarius, 7 ages after the zodiac age of the Lion.

Notice that the following two verses are the source for my pen name (1:16) and my book title (10:7).

Revelation 1:16
And he had within his right hand, seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shining within his strength.

Revelation 10:7
But within the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as She has declared to Her servants the prophets.

Also pay close attention that 1+16=17 and 10+7=17. We are now in the early years of the 17th 360-year cycle of the Hebrew calendar that I talk about in great detail in my books and elsewhere that is encoded throughout the Hebrew prophecies. In 10:7 above, it states that when the 7th angel begins to sound, hence during the early years of the 17th 360-year cycle, 21st century, and zodiac age Aquarius.

From the Gospel of Thomas…
(12) The disciples said to Jesus (Joshua…), “We know that you will depart from us. Who is to be our leader?”
Joshua said to them, “Wherever you are, you are to go to James the righteous, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being.”
(13) Jesus said to his disciples, “Compare me to someone and tell me whom I am like.”
Simon Peter said to him, “You are like a righteous angel.”
Matthew said to him, “You are like a wise philosopher.”
Thomas said to him, “Master, my mouth is wholly incapable of saying whom you are like.”
Jesus said, “I am not your master. Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring which I have measured out.”
And he took him and withdrew and told him three things. When Thomas returned to his companions, they asked him, “What did Jesus say to you?”
Thomas said to them, “If I tell you one of the things which he told me, you will pick up stones and throw them at me; a fire will come out of the stones and burn you up.”

Notice the symbolism of stones above, and earlier in Zechariah 3:9, and its association with Freemasonry and similar groups, way back into the ice age, as clearly seen at Gobekli Tepe, Egypt, and throughout the region?

Here is my earlier article, titled: Eyes Wide Open-Here is Further Light

Peace and Wisdom…



Buddy Page
Buddy Page

Written by Buddy Page

My name is Lawrence W. Page II, friends and family call me Buddy. My pen name is Seven Star Hand. Website and other links at linktr.ee/SevenStarHand

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