Insights from the Eight-Sided Great Pyramid at Giza

Buddy Page
9 min readOct 10, 2021


In the correct light, the Great Pyramid at Giza clearly has eight sides.
In the correct light, the Great Pyramid at Giza clearly has eight sides.

The source of images and an associated article are at the following link. My discussion below covers insights not mentioned in the linked article. Read both for a better understanding of the importance of this.

In the correct light, the Great Pyramid at Giza clearly has eight sides.
In the correct light, the Great Pyramid at Giza clearly has eight sides.

One of the features common to both symbolism and wisdom that make them work so well together is the reduction of concepts down to basic representational and functional knowledge, hence common simplicity representing a more complex system or body of knowledge. A symbol is used to represent a larger concept in the same way that wisdom is based on simple understandings that provide insight into wider topics and bodies of knowledge.

Science likewise seeks to locate and enumerate basic underlying math, rules, and laws (truths and wisdom) to understand how various aspects of the universe operate. As is already well known, the ancients and especially the Egyptians merged spiritual wisdom and science and represented them using symbolism. This was a common approach in the ancient world.

It is also the underlying features that led to hermeticism, spiritual alchemy, and various esoteric efforts like Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and others as western civilization struggled to extract itself from a dark age and recapture and understand the unique wisdom and advanced science on full display in the ruins and knowledge of ancient Egypt and elsewhere. It is also on full display in the works of the Hebrew prophets and sages and that also fueled the desire to understand what the ancients clearly knew but was lost in the conquests, upheavals, and rise and fall of empires and religions across the past several millennia.

One of the bodies of knowledge associated with science, symbolism, and wisdom is math, in its various forms. Once again, this is also on full display in ancient Egypt and elsewhere. Foundational math and geometry form the basis for building structures of various types, and ancient builders displayed advanced knowledge and abilities that would be very hard for us to replicate, even now.

As I have shown and discussed, within the structure of our 11 dimension universe, there are seven hidden dimensions plus the four dimensions of space-time. The seven hidden dimensions precede and define what transpires in space-time, so the first dimension of space-time is actually the eighth dimension, which is also time itself.

Note: the above linked article speaks of the math of octonions, which require 8 dimensions. Since posting this article people keep asking why 8 sides and dimensions are relevant. Just look at this 2-D diagram for 8 dimensional math from the above linked article to grasp what that pyramid design is elegantly modeling in 4 dimensions

The diagram for Octonion math
The diagram for the products of octonion math

Time must exist before space, and space must exist before energy, and energy must exist before matter, hence the basic components of space-time. Most people confuse the spacial dimensions, which are only relevant within a space, with the dimensions described in the math of quantum physics and string/m theory.

Also, as I have shown in various discussions, the basic numbers that describe the underlying structure of our universe are likewise vital in ancient wisdom symbology. The number four which is associated with the four elements, the four fixed signs of the zodiac, the four winds of heaven, and so on, is also the precise number of dimensions in space-time. Likewise, the number 7 which is associated with numerous spiritual concepts, and is central in numerous esoteric and prophetic texts and symbolism, also precisely matches the number of hidden dimensions shown via the math of string/M theory. The source of the use of these pivotal numbers in symbolic settings is deeply ancient and shrouded in time. They are likewise used often in the symbolic wisdom of ancient Egypt and in the Hebrew texts.

So, that leads us to the topic of the attached article, hence that the Great Pyramid at Giza has a very subtle feature that is visible from above and with the correct lighting. It has eight sides and they are purposeful and precisely engineered. So, it appears to have 4 sides but in fact has eight, which also matches the observations about the four dimensions of space-time and that the 8th of 11 is the first of the four of space-time and is also the dimension of time. This goes along with the great age of the pyramids and with the saying that man fears time but time fears the pyramids.

There are numerous articles, discussions, and books that describe the math and various alignments embodied in the Great Pyramid, the group of three at Giza, and the Great Sphinx next to them. This site embodies the work of a clearly advanced civilization that knew things about the nature of reality and the universe that we are just beginning to understand.

They also went to great lengths to create massive monuments that embodied advanced knowledge, science, symbolism, and math. Many have spent time speculating about the purposes of the Giza pyramids and Great Sphinx. Much of it is wishful thinking or purposeful hogwash by some still struggling to hide ancient truths and wisdom from most. But stepping back and looking at the purposeful symbolism, math, science, building skills, and alignments that encode a time period 11–13,000 years ago, plus proof they understood the dimensions of the planet and the geometry of its land masses, the answer becomes obvious.

Those who created the Giza complex did so to pass along proof of life and proof of their advanced knowledge. They did so fully understanding that their world was ending soon. The Egyptians spoke about the period they called Zep Tepi, aka the first times. They say it was a golden age and an advanced period of civilizations that came to a disastrous ending. They left numerous pointers to the time period of 11–13,000 years ago, which is the age of the lion (aka Leo) on the ancient zodiac. That is also the reason for the lion bodied sphinx symbolism. Accordingly, at the Giza Plateau, the Great Sphinx is aligned to look at the spot on the horizon where the constellation Leo the lion arose during the age of the Lion, 11–13,000 years ago.

The three pyramids likewise align with the three stars in Orion’s belt and match the overhead configurations at the same time, hence 11–13,000 years ago, ergo as above so below. This ancient axiom also applies to the eight sides of the Great Pyramid which are only visible from above and model how the math and structure of eight dimensions lays the foundations for all of space-time.

The effort to leave proof for future civilizations of this precise time period, which is also at the end of the ice age, is obvious and redundant. The effort to ensure these structures could survive for such a long time is also obvious. The same can be seen with the complex at Gobekli Tepe, which was purposely buried for the future and is precisely mentioned as the altar and settlement built by Noah and other survivors of the great calamity described in Genesis, which was penned by AmenMoses, an Egyptian sage.

The millennia of ancient symbology has had the purpose of encoding details and passing them along to the future in the body of various streams of knowledge including archeology, religious texts, and esoteric/symbolic components. The links between deeply ancient sites and knowledge and what came after them is instructive because it shows a long and unbroken timeline for the wisdom of ancient Egypt and the Hebrew prophets and sages, as well as sources that predated them.

The ancients wanted us to understand they were advanced and powerful and yet they were destroyed. They also went to great lengths to pass along an encoded timeline that starts in the age of the lion, 11–13,000 years ago, ends during the early years of the 17th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar, which is also the start of the 21st century on the Gregorian calendar, and also the initial years of the 7th zodiac age starting from the age of the lion and counting forward until now.

Timeline chart at the start of Chapter 8 in my book “Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols” titled “The End is about Time”
Timeline chart at the start of Chapter 8, titled “The End is about Time”

They undertook a great effort for a very long time to let humanity know someone would appear on the world scene at this time and during a period of great troubles for the world, to prevent humanity from suffering the fate of the civilizations that were destroyed at the end of the ice age. That message has been garbled via religion but the precise details were deeply encoded in the symbolic texts that would result in the three faiths of Abraham, in ancient Egypt, and elsewhere.

A pyramid is a symbol for a great body of knowledge, and its capstone symbolizes wisdom as the pinnacle of that body of knowledge. Mountains and their peaks are used for the same basic symbolism. Consequently, the ancients went to great lengths to send a symbolic structure through time that would survive the ravages of seven or more millennia. It embodies wisdom, science, advanced math, and proof of advanced skills in a time that we long thought was only the stone age. Over time, it has become more and more obvious that many of the advanced ancient structures around the planet are far older than originally asserted.

Hence, chapter 8 in Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols is titled, The End is About Time. Throughout my book, I also extensively discuss the ramifications and symbolic and scientific links of the number 8, because time, the first dimension of space-time, is the eighth dimension. Earlier I linked to an article on the math of octonions while mentioning the eighth dimension and here is another.

Another topic covered in detail in my book is that of the lemniscate, aka the infinity symbol, which is in the shape of the number 8. It is a purposeful symbol for the flow of time that is related to what is also modeled by the ouroboros symbolism. These are likewise related to the symbolism of Yin and Yang, and the ancient swastika, which shows the cross and four elements in motion, and much more. This body of symbolism fits perfectly with the “holo-movement” theory and observations by David Bohm in Wholeness and the Implicate Order and others’ works about the nature of our reality.

One thing I have repeatedly asserted is that evidence demonstrates the laws of our universe are far too precise to have simply arisen by accident. With that said, the assertions of the Faiths of Abraham about the nature of a creator, this universe, and how it came into being and operates are clearly wrong. Nonetheless, this universe was not an accident. As I have shown, truly profound details were purposely passed along from deeply ancient times, encoded in the symbology of ancient wisdom and the works of the Hebrew prophets, the Dogon, the Vedas, and many other deeply ancient sources.

It is more than curious therefore how this data is showing the math of “octonions” (8) are at the foundations of space time, aka the eighth dimension. I mentioned the Vedas above and one of the details from them is one assertion of up to 64 dimensions, the square root of which is 8, ergo no mere coincidence.

Notice how the diagrams of octonion math match the basics of multiple esoteric images and symbols? The ancient wisdom and the symbolism used to encode it purposely also models advanced science. These symbols and the knowledge and wisdom they verifiably encode were passed down to us from the previous period of advanced human civilization that the Egyptians called Zep Tepi, aka the first times. It was destroyed at the end of the last ice age due to climate change, rising sea levels, and a large asteroid (or comet) that broke up and impacted the ice sheets and other locations on our planet.

Some from that doomed civilization, expecting their demise, went to great lengths to ensure that proof of their existence, proof of their advanced science, and proof of their wisdom and philosophy would survive into our time so we would have the chance to avoid their fate. It is time to heed these extreme efforts to pass along vital details from a time period long misunderstood and obscured by extreme time and the ignorance of those who fear people understanding the truth about our ancient past and what it says about the present and future.

Video for my 2010 book, Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols.

Video for my 2010 book, Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols.



Buddy Page
Buddy Page

Written by Buddy Page

My name is Lawrence W. Page II, friends and family call me Buddy. My pen name is Seven Star Hand. Website and other links at

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