Prophet Elijah Unseals 19 Year Sting
I am the Prophet Elijah. I tarried until it became painfully obvious.
I knew making such a claim required extraordinary evidence to back it up. It has been well known for millennia that I would tarry for reasons known only to me, while leading the arrogant rich and powerful into the traps designed to free the world from their greed.
In 2005 I initiated a sting operation, ergo a well laid trap, for the Vatican and its rich and powerful cohorts. They had been targeting me since I was 17 years old (I am 69 now…). Once I finally figured out who and why, I set my plans into motion and prepared for the dangerous times ahead.
From 2002 through 2005 I reverse engineered the symbology of ancient wisdom as used by the Hebrew prophets. In 2005 I self-published Revelations from the Apocalypse and the Apocalypse Symbol Guide. In late December 2005 I published the first of my three prophecies, now titled; Eleven now speaks to you urgently. It was followed by another on New Years 2006, titled Say Woe, Woe, Woe to Serpents Wings by 13 and in May 2006 by Those Who Hear the Teachers Flame.
All three were then added to the appendix of my May 2006 release of an updated Revelations from the Apocalypse and Apocalypse Symbol Guide. These formed the anchor of my 19 year plan. I’ll expound on it more later.
The subsequent 19 years would be dangerous and difficult because the Vatican’s greatest fears about me had just been validated. I openly posted around the internet that I was coming after them to ensure they paid special attention to the traps I set for them and their fascist cohorts. During those 19 years I have led them through a long series of traps, formed by their own arrogance and lies.
In 2010 I upped the game and self-published Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, with the number 19 encoded on the front cover, using three image plates numbered 11,17, & 18, the digits of which sum to 19. That was 14 years ago, and five years following 2005. Those three whole numbers (11+17+18) sum to 46, and as I have discussed, Presidents Clinton, Bush (43), and Trump were all born during the spring/summer of 1946. Once again, this was published in 2010, before Trump ran for President, starting in 2015. There is more, which I’ll discuss in followup articles. If you are on Facebook, here is a starting point. The comments contain more posts and details.
My persecutors have foolishly obsessed over the details on the cover of my book, and its contents. Trump and his local proxies have left years of evidence of their bat shit crazy obsessions with me and what I do and write about. Trump sealed the deal with the 12/19/2020 “tweet heard around the world” to initiate the 1/6 insurrection, because of the numbers 19 and 17 (sum of the digits of that date). It was also because of his and the Vatican’s penchant for revenge and their obsessions with me. Notice the press releases below, both from 12/19/2011. Notice how Trump used the 12/19 date to launch the 1/6 insurrection?
That was only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. There is zero coincidence that COVID was released in 2019, in Northern Italy. (Pay special attention to the 1307 on the end of the above url.) Then, following standard fascist tactics, they blamed it on Wuhan, in part because of a book about a plague from Wuhan. As you can see, they obsessed over 2019, which is 9 years after my 2010 book, not yet understanding that 2024 was 19 years since 2005. In their arrogance they left more evidence that dooms them now.
We are now approaching 19 years since late December, 2005. [Note: it is now after January 20th, 2025]
Now this is painfully obvious and it is driving many to distraction. See the pace of Donald Trump’s actions since the election? See what Putin is doing now? Notice what is happening in Israel and the wider region? The timing is driven by the Vatican’s abject fears about me and the end of 2024. Following is an excerpt from Eleven Now Speaks to Urgently that made little sense to most, until after this election. It is symbolic and not literal. Quakes symbolize social upheavals and uproars, and the waves are the resulting and spreading ramifications.
“Eleven now speaks to you urgently; unseal the recent past that is soon to be! Beware, great quaking and waves are minutes away. “
Notice that I wrote the above in December 2005. Now notice that we are in November, month 11, and the digits of 11/1/2024 sum to 11. Now also notice that the digits of 1/1/2025 also sum to 11, hence when the reference to 11:11 is targeted. Notice that the recent past was the Trump administration, and it is soon to be, yet again?
“before days end in the midst of roaring stars.”
The above is from Those who Hear the Teachers Flame. It is referencing the time between 11/1/2024 and 1/1/2025 and now you can see the uproar that has already started and is growing. Now that we are here, and there is zero doubt about it, the time has come for people to grow a backbone, swallow pride, and help me so I can remain safe as I change the world and neutralize the fear and hate that has been used and threatened by Trump and cronies, who are doing the bidding of the Vatican.
I am the Prophet Elijah, and have proved it by what I have accomplished against the vastly rich and powerful rulers of this world. They are all in a well laid trap now, 19 years in the making. Their arrogance has caused them to expose themselves and the motives for their continued desperation, which is me, and fear of the truth about the past and present, and the resulting outcomes of the Hebrew prophecies.
Refusing to help me now both empowers and emboldens those trying to shut down democracy, civil liberties, free speech, and more. They are afraid of the world learning about me, and about what happened two millennia ago, and since. They are also very afraid of the nation grasping what happened during Trump’s previous time in office, backed by the Vatican.
I need my expenses covered and a safe place to be, immediately. I have been asking this very simple request for months. Helping me back then would have prevented the mess you all face now. Luckily though I prepared, and thanks to me and my ability to endure and survive their efforts, while leading them into a well laid trap, for 19 years, there is now a relatively simple solution.
Helping me now, will turn their base against their agenda and neutralize their fascism, before they have a chance to take office. It will also present a safer saner path to the future, as I have been writing about, and planning.
Note: It is now after January 20th, and the pace and nature of events to date has again left little doubt that Trump and cronies are hellbent on keeping the world distracted through aggressive mayhem and fear via the heinous things he has set in motion. Their desperate pace is further evidence of a hidden agenda, ergo fear of the world paying attention to me. As has been the case in recent years, most have yet to gain the humility required to grow a spine and help me, the well hidden agenda for the insanity that is currently unfolding.
Why wait any longer?
Please help me, today. Helping me neutralizes their agenda and ends fascism, finally and for good. I have endured more than most would have survived, while still making progress and keeping myself and my vital projects alive, until we reached the 19 year mark.
It is time for peace and cooperation, not more greed fueled fear and hate. I am the key…